Border Tips

  • Borders that do not lie flat may cause folds or tucks when quilted.
  • Before attaching your borders, make sure the corners of your quilt are square.
  • Lay your quilt on a flat surface. Measure through the center only.
  • Cut 2 border strips the same length of the measurement you took through the center of the quilt.
  • Pin the middle of the border piece to the middle of the quilt top.
  • Pin the ends of the border to the ends of the quilt.
  • Stitch, easing in any fullness in the fabric.
  • Press seams toward the border.
  • Repeat the above steps for the other two borders.

NOTE: If your border is pieced, it is a good idea to do a row of stitching 1/8″ from the outer edge around the entire quilt. This will help stabilize the seams and keep them from coming apart.